Sunday, November 28, 2010

Children in Eau Claire, Chicago & UAE

Children are the spirit of the life, without them I think life is boring.
I believe each culture teach morals to the children in their own way.  I observed in Eau Claire and Chicago that children are more reliable on their selves and are independents. Parents fulfill their desires easily and also they don’t yell or beat them if they are spoiled or naughty. I saw that they cry on the floors of the shopping malls and run here and there, and the parents are calm.  I think the American parents are patients.
As for UAE, if the children are naughty or spoiled slaps easily come to their way. Also the parents in the UAE don’t easily fulfill children desires and needs because they want to teach them the value of things and also teach them how to be patient.
I’m glad the way my parents treated me when I was a kid.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The UAE & The US value the family

The United Arab Emirates and the United States, both value the family. Before coming here, I thought western countries doesn’t value family and doesn’t respect the family. But I was wrong.
It is true the type of the families differ. In the UAE, most of families are big. It is normal in urban areas to have families living with their relatives in one house. I remember when I was a child, we (my family) used to live with my uncles and aunts with their families in one house. However right now the couples want to live on their own and they say they want more privacy.

In the US, the family members are less with three, four or six at least in one house. Parents give more independence to their children, that’s because they are individual society. As for the UAE, it is collective society; where uncles and aunts have the right on their nephews and niece as the parents have. They can treat them as their children, correct them and also sometimes they pay for their education.

Regarding the divorce rate, as I assumed, it is increasing in the UAE, according to local newspaper in the UAE ‘khaleej times’ declared that the divorce rate in the UAE has touched 46 per cent, the highest in the Arab Gulf Co-operation Council (AGCC)”. This was in 2003 and I think now it is more than 50%. In my country the values and the meaning of the family is disappearing. Too sad, but it is a fact

Sunday, November 7, 2010

2nd Nov Election Day For Americans

First time in my life I saw real voting, I’ve seen voting in movies but in alive. I noticed a lot of people are really worried or confused who they were going to elect. Last Tuesday I went to Davies Centre to see the voting system to observe it. I went there and found professional observers were sitting and watching the voting process. Also in the same room there was an area to register and three wards. Who (students) were not registered then they will go and register, and I notice they checked the data carefully, after that they went to the wards to take the voting paper. Then they filled the paper then they put it in the machine which counts how many people voted. There were two colored of voting papers and when I asked they told me that it means from which state the voter belong. Plus, there were online voting page, which some student used because it takes a lot of time. Fer and I asked what if someone votes twice; they said it’s more about morals and also after the election then figure out whether anyone voted twice or not.
It was quite interesting to see how people are concerned who is going to rule them. In my country we know who is going to be the next president without election. This time in my country was little bite not obvious as son of the president became the president besides the Vice- president. But the system of the country is the same.