Sunday, November 28, 2010

Children in Eau Claire, Chicago & UAE

Children are the spirit of the life, without them I think life is boring.
I believe each culture teach morals to the children in their own way.  I observed in Eau Claire and Chicago that children are more reliable on their selves and are independents. Parents fulfill their desires easily and also they don’t yell or beat them if they are spoiled or naughty. I saw that they cry on the floors of the shopping malls and run here and there, and the parents are calm.  I think the American parents are patients.
As for UAE, if the children are naughty or spoiled slaps easily come to their way. Also the parents in the UAE don’t easily fulfill children desires and needs because they want to teach them the value of things and also teach them how to be patient.
I’m glad the way my parents treated me when I was a kid.


  1. I think we got a same situation with the treatment for children both in China and UAE. Is there a gap between children and their parents?

  2. In my opinion, treating children should be like an integration between the Westren style and the Eastren style.

  3. We have similar situation in Malaysia too. I am glad that I was being brought up under strict education.

  4. Children should be trated patiently for they still do not understand lots of things

  5. I think that we can't treat children in a violent way as they are still immature and innocent.
